Affiliate Disclosure believes in honesty and transparency which is why we feel it important to let our readers know that we are affiliates to several other companies.

Occasionally, we link out to products that are relevant and of interest to readers. If you click on a link and purchase a product, we will receive a commission. In most cases, tracking cookies are also put on your computer, so we make a commission during the time period that the cookie stays on your computer, which is decided by the company you buy the products from.

The compensation does not influence the information on this site – we will provide our honest opinion, reviews, and experience on the products we genuinely find helpful and of superior quality.

All of our reviews of products are entirely independent. There will be NO sponsored reviews found on to prevent any conflict of interest that may arise.

At any one time on this website (this is subject to change) we may make a commission through the following: who have their own set working they would like us to use: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

As for the products we do recommend, please keep in mind that it takes a lot of time and effort to deliver original, free content on a regular basis. We love writing about the ins and outs of fitness and gym equipment and the commissions help us to keep this site alive and well-fed. Whenever you buy a product by clicking on any of the links on this site, rest assured that there is NO extra fee – it’s just a win-win situation for both you and us. You, since you get to buy the product and us, since the commission helps keep this site running.

If you have any further questions about this, please feel free to drop us a line on the contact page.

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